Sunday, December 4, 2016

Day 5

Quads still tight, but most of the muscle hurt now is in the front of my armpits.. from the chest presses yesterday? Have to find out what muscle that is..

Did standard cardio again today, going for Ignition later

Virgin Active

Several years of no updates, oops..

This one warrants an update though:

For the first time ever, I've joined one of those fancy pants gyms with classes and gym clothes and stuff.

I joined Virgin Active this week after a devastating month abroad where there was no scale, tons of dinners with colleagues, thanksgiving, and then my birthday back home... Was miraculously only up 1-1.5kg from when I left (when I was doing pretty good and losing somewhat steadily, reaching a half decade record of 55.2kg), considering how much I ate.

Day 1: Cardio on elliptical + Grid Fit class. Quads were on fire after. Unfortunately this was followed by a crazy binge with home team, so the next day I was actually up 1.4 kg, hopefully some of that from the water weight from all my muscles retaining water from the torture of Grid Fit. 58.1kg

Day 2: Did normal elliptical, and also tried yoga for the first time. It was awkward at first but at some point it started getting pretty trance-like, with time.. slowing.. down.. No change in weight today because I overate again.. 58.2kg

Day 3: Did an epic day of 4 classes cos Benj was visiting on a one-day pass and I wanted him to experience as much as possible. Did reduced cardio (250 cal instead of 300), BUT did four cool classes - aerial yoga, hot yoga, bodypump technique, and pop pilates.

Had lunch in their grab-and-go cafe, salmon + egg quesadilla was surprisingly good. I like that they have nutrition info in their menus too.

P.s. they have a free flow of free apples, woohoo.

Tried a full body scan to find the devastating news that not only am I fat, I am also seriously obese in terms of body fat :( My Withings scale has been lying to me so sweetly..

Some of that muscle torture water weight is coming off. 57.6kg, 35.4%bf (gym scale) SCREAM.

Day 4: Went to Benj's gym (not VA) and did normal cardio and some pansy weights. More water weight off, but some muscles still hurt a bit from the four class marathon. 57.4kg (Withings says 28% bf but I don't trust it anymore..)