Monday, June 9, 2014

we(a)k 4.3 update

Bicep curls - 35lbs
Hip abduction - 315lbs (Maxed out the machine! RAWR)

Need work:
DIET. These few weeks have been a disaster
Pull-ups. Been slacking off.

Discovery of the week:
I found it really hard to progress from 30lb bars straight to 40lb for bicep curls. Fortunately, I learned how to make my own 35lb-ers by putting on 2*5lb weights to a 25lb olympic curling bar, or 2*2.5lb on a 30lb, even though the latter looks extremely lolz because there are two wimpy-ass weights on this macho looking bar :P

DAE think it's weird that the weight of the bar is seldom specified? Am I just blind? Isn't that like extremely important??

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