Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Week 5.?? update, week 1.2 of diet

After a week of reasonably dieting and a weekend of cheating, I am down a kg!

- M through F, 1500 cal limit on top of normal 300 cal cardio
- Sat/Sun, two cheat meals, then eating only when hungry (because the cheat meals were so huge I really didn't need anything else). I also ate as many carbs and other bads as I wanted as long as I was below 1800 (maintenance with 300 cal cardio), though this meant eating really healthy filler foods at other times to make up for it.

In short, last month when I put on weight, I was telling myself I could eat as much as I wanted as long as I exercised the extra calories off. Either those machines lie like dogs, or that's not a good strategy.

I guess it really is 80% diet 20% exercise!

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