Wednesday, May 21, 2014

breaking news..

We now interrupt the regularly scheduled silence to announce that bicep curls are up to 4 reps * 40lb before failure..

Monday, May 19, 2014

Bro do you even lift - weak two

Week 2 weigh in!
I can now do 12 reps of...

Bicep curl: 30lb ... lifting 40lb * 2-3 reps before failure
Assisted pull up: 65lb ... can do a few reps with 60lb before failure
Shoulder: 10lb each - SO WEAK, I can barely do 10lb with proper form. Seems like I am regressing??
Tricep: 10lb each (up from 8lb)
Chest fly: slacked off this week :(
Hip adduction: 270lb (up from 250lb).. 2 more increments before I max out the machine >:D
Hip abduction: 230lb

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What cat can you lift?

I can bicep curl an ocelot. Clouded leopard up next!

Bicep curls: free weights, barbells, curl benches, oh my!

I've been using free weights since eternity, and have never thought to try barbells since they are essentially the same thing, but connected in the middle.


Free weights

One problem I've always had with free weights is that my left bicep would tire before my right. With the barbells, my right can compensate for the left when it begins to weaken, and I can complete the set without feeling like I had robbed my right arm of its full training, or feeling like my left is being left (lol) far behind. Using barbells is akin to using two Pokemon of unequal skill level in the same battle so that both get XP.

Yesterday I tried the curl bench:

It apparently makes it so you only use your biceps to lift. Instantly a million times harder, since you can't cheat and use other muscles!!

I will be switching to barbells for bicep curls, but I think I'll pass on the curl bench for now, since I think I do want to train my stabilizing muscles etc along with my biceps..

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Arctic zero - a low calorie protein bar disguised as ice cream

The other day I was in the kitchen with two of my roommates, one a zumba-teaching vegetarian, the other a nurse who once dead-lifted me - picture a mouse deer lifting a walrus - and Mousedeer was eating this oddly-named ice cream, Arctic Zero. The other goes, "oh you eat that too?"

If both of these super fit, healthy, hawt girls are into this, I had to check it out.

"There can be miracles... if you believe..."

The first thing I saw was their clever pitch that one tub of Arctic Zero is 150 calories*. But wait, not one serving, ONE PINT. THE WHOLE TUB.

Ok, that's great, but surely it's just 150 empty calories that will do nothing for your bod, right?
Curious, I asked my roommate what it was made of. Concentrated Aspartame?

No!! No artificial sweeteners, except Monkfruit. I googled it, and Monkfruit is another name for Luo han guo, which I see in Chinese medicine halls and markets all the time, which means it does not violate the "Don't eat it if your great grandmother did not recognize it as food" rule.

Working down the ingredients list, the first ingredient is water (great), the second is....


Each serving gives you 3g of protein. If you eat the pint, that's 12g of protein for 150 calories, which is better than a lot of protein bars. WHAT?!

Furthermore, this is fat-free, gluten-free, and "lactose-intolerant friendly" (lactose-intolerant friend confirms eating the entire tub without lactaids and surviving).

Also, it has fiber. What ice cream gives you fiber??? Maybe this ice-cream also fights cancer and contains the tears of angels??

All sounding too good to be true, I finally caved and bought a tub from Safeway.

The first bite was meh - it was way less sweet and fatty than other ice-cream. But after the first few spoonfuls, I quickly adapted and it started tasting great. It was actually creamy, not like a sorbet, with an actual ice-cream-like texture.

I started hungry, and managed to go through 3/4 of the tub before starting to feel full. All that protein and fiber must have been doing its job!


- Fiber
- Very low calorie
- No artificial sweeteners
- Relatively filling
- Many flavors
- Fat free, gluten free, "friendly" levels of lactose

- Not as rich or sweet as normal ice cream
- Premium ice cream price ($4.59 at Safeway per pint)

Yeah so it's not exactly Haagen Daz, but hey if it prevents me from eating 1400 cals of sugar and fat when I have an ice-cream craving (and supplies proteins to the guns-in-training), yes please. Will probably be trying more flavors in future!

* There was a report that this may be off by as much as 68%, but that is still only 250 for the whole tub, which is less than a half cup serving of Haagen Daz.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Bro do you even lift - Week one progress

Five days ago I came across an amateur bodybuilder's 16 week training plan, and decided to see how far I could go in the same amount of time.

Week one isn't quite over yet, but here are the weights I am currently lifting:

Bicep curl: 30lb (up from 24lb)
Assisted pull up: 65lb (down from 70lb - this number should go down with improvement. The lofty goal is to be able to do a pull up by the end of this!)
Shoulder: 10lb each
Tricep: 8lb each
Chest fly: 40lb (up from 30lb)
Hip adduction: 250lb
Hip abduction: 210lb (down from 230lb. Sad! And mysterious!)

Fat-encased baby gunlets --- 16 weeks ---> Mama guns

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Saying no to the SugarFat Motherload

Today the mother of all leftover-meeting-food stashes appeared on the table outside my office.

Bread? Deli ham? Cheese slices? Trader joe's cookies? All of the above, AND, one of those monster bulk treat boxes:

... except beyond being a ton of fat and sodium, this was some unholy mix that had rice krispy treats, and other sweet temptations.

If that wasn't enough, there was also 2 metric tons of mini chocolates.

Much calories! Such fatty!

There was an endless stream of people milking this goldmine all day, one guy threatened to make it rain milky ways all over me. But I managed to avoid all of this!


Such willpower!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Dried sweet potato

Dried sweet potatoes are the lazy person's dream healthy snack. 

Here is the necessary preparation: 
1) open bag, 
2) shove in your mouth.
One cup sets you back about 100 calories, which I guess is the equivalent of a whole sweet potato. Sweet potatoes are good for you!!!

So many styles!

For some reason, I've only found these in Asian supermarkets (Chinese, specifically). 
Actually that's a lie: these show up fairly often in mainstream supermarkets, but as dog treats.

Asians and doges got it right: Dried sweet potatoes are awesome.

- Cheap, 
- delicious, 
- portable snack,
- no preparation required,
- lasts forever (where forever means several years).

- Addictive (not healthy if you eat the entire bag at once)
- Some varieties have a lot of added sugar and other crap.
