Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bicep curls: free weights, barbells, curl benches, oh my!

I've been using free weights since eternity, and have never thought to try barbells since they are essentially the same thing, but connected in the middle.


Free weights

One problem I've always had with free weights is that my left bicep would tire before my right. With the barbells, my right can compensate for the left when it begins to weaken, and I can complete the set without feeling like I had robbed my right arm of its full training, or feeling like my left is being left (lol) far behind. Using barbells is akin to using two Pokemon of unequal skill level in the same battle so that both get XP.

Yesterday I tried the curl bench:

It apparently makes it so you only use your biceps to lift. Instantly a million times harder, since you can't cheat and use other muscles!!

I will be switching to barbells for bicep curls, but I think I'll pass on the curl bench for now, since I think I do want to train my stabilizing muscles etc along with my biceps..

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